Well, Tara has been telling me to respond to Ashlie's request to post, so I will post something.
I don't know why I am needing to post about myself, it is not like I keep my thoughts a secret, for those of you who know me know what I am talking about. I tell people what I think, and unfortunately, or fortunately (depends on your opinion) sometimes my opinions are not always pleasing to everyone. That is one reason that I won't ever be in politics... or should be.
The Rules:
*Link to the person who tagged you: My 'cousin in-law' Ashlie tagged me and Tara is making me do this.
*Post the rules on your blog:
*Write six random things about yourself.
*Tag six people and let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
*Let your tagger know when your entry is up. (Don't forget to come back and tell me you completed this tag!)
1. I love my life. I have a great life! I have been a lucky guy, and couldn't have ever expected anything more. Having said that, I wouldn't have settled for less either, when I set my mind to doing something, I do it, except for #6. I owe all my blessings to the Lord.
2. I love being a dad, although it is not an easy job. My real dad wasn't around as I grew up, and I always told myself that I would be there for the children I bring into the world. I was really excited to have kids, and love watching them thinking about my childhood, and wanting the best for them.
3. I love America and the core beliefs that made it great (which are individual freedom in all their forms: economic, religious, political etc.). Ever since I was a child (and cried when I heard the song "I'm proud to be an American") I have felt a spiritual love for what America is, or was, or should be.
4. I love my wife. I am so thankful for her. She works so hard at being a perfect wife, and mother, but always feels inadequate. If there was one thing that I could do, it would be to convince her somehow, someway that she is perfect... for me, our kids and herself. I can honestly say that the grass is greenest on my side of the street when it comes to who I was lucky enough to marry. She is beautiful. Her cooking is awesome. She is a great mother. She forgives me for my stupid imperfections. She keeps the house clean... until we mess it up. I could go on. Really, she is awesome!
5. I love sports. I love playing them, I love watching them (mostly watching them now), I love watching my boys play them, and I can't wait to watch them play them as they grow up. I have been really suprised how intense I get watching Colby wrestle. I am definetly going to be the crazy dad on the sidelines trying to coach him at the top of my lungs while he is playing... I apologize in advance for those of you who will witness this... unless Colby or Owen is playing your son and in that case I hope he kicks your kids butt! No offense of course.
6. I am a Caffiene addict, seriously. I tried quitting a month or so ago, and couldn't do it. It was crazy, I really tried, but only made it 4 days. It's embarassing, but true. Any ideas on how to quit?