I have a bunch of pictures to show, and need to get some more from my mom from Halloween. Here is some of the things we have been up too. Couples trip to Lake Powell(and really crazy stories to go with that trip!!) starting of school, my Moab trip for a half marathon, Kenny in Alabama for golfing trip, Halloween. Lot's going on and we are excited for the holiday's!!
Me before the race trying to stay warm!!
My mother-in-law and I after the very step up hill race that I thought was suppose to be more of a rolling hill race. We just did another one on Halloween it was much easier.
Ellie was a witch on Halloween, I will have more pictures of her and the boys later.
Owen on his first day of school
Colby on his first day of school.
Kenny in Alabama on his golf trip.
The house boat we stayed on while at Lake Powell. It was huge!
Kenny and all his high school buddies trying to do a pyramid! They ended up being able to do it and hold it for a minute.
Kenny and I
Kenny before wake surfing.